New 2.0T Electric Sit-on Reach Truck For Sale

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New 2.0T Electric Sit-on Reach Truck For Sale : Ask for Price
A warehouse can only perform as effectively as its trucks and their drivers. That's why every Mitsubishi reach truck is specially engineered to take any operator's performance to the next level. Exceptional visibility through clear-view overhead guard ensures precise handling with total confidence.
FBRF Series, one of the most reliable and versatile trucks in the industry that perform without compromise in standards.
Regardless of using it to lift, transport or maneuver your goods within the warehouse environment, you can be ensured of its compact structure and powerful drive system that never fails to outperform your expectations.
Optimum SICOS-AC system with powerful lift up to 10m height
Soft landing feature to eliminate abrupt impact on load
Reinforced mast structure with full capacity retention up to 7m height
Integrated OIS (Operation Interlock System) for enhanced safety
Ergonomically designed compartment for operator's comfort